“Truly, in remembering Allah SWT (God) do hearts find rest.” (The Noble Quran 13:28)
Author: Muhammad Bin Abdillaah Ash Shaayi'
Pages: 94 Publisher: Dakwah Corner Publisher
This great book is guidance for all especially the Muslims society in our daily life as it presents the ways of dealing with the daily life cycle, accepting the pasts and bracing for tomorrows based on the teaching of the Qur’an and Sunnah.
“When you are in the evening, do not expect to see the morning, and when you are in the morning, do not expect to see the evening.” (Sahih Hadith Bukhari & Muslim)
This book is actually given to me by someone whom I dearly respect so, thank you so much for the book! Whenever I feel sad, I tend to stay away from people and be alone and that is when I found myself reading this book again and again, just to remind myself that there is a lot more things that I should be grateful for and to look more at brighter side of life. Since I am not an assertive person, most of the times, I tend to overthink a lot which put me into a difficult situation. Hence this book kind of showed me how to be happy and why do we need to be happy by providing a lot of wise quotes, hadith and ayyah from the Noble Quran.
So my advice to those who are dealing with the same thing like mine, remember that in both times of hardship and ease, one should turn to supplication and prayer, either patiently contented or thankful.
You can get this book at Iman Shopee with only RM15! :)
Here's the link: https://www.imanshoppe.com/collections/pbi2020-english-book/products/30-ways-to-attain-happiness-3rd-edition